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 "Religiovedenie" (“Study of Religion”) № 3 2024


History of Religion
Truong Anh Thuan

The Jesuit Missionaries and the Process of Introducing Western Medicine into China and Vietnam duringthe 17th and 18th Centuries 

P. 5–17
Nikolai V. Chirkov

Exarchate of Russian Catholics of the Byzantine-Slavonic Rite in Harbin in the 1928–1940s.

P. 18–31
Religions of Russia
Yulia N. Kozhevnikova

Distribution of the Books of the New Testament in Russian Lapland in 1813–1814

P. 32–38
Ivan D. Kotliarov

The Economic Role of the Russian Orthodox Church: A Conceptual Framework

P. 39–53
Religions of the East
Mergen S. Ulanov,
Valery N. Badmaev

Women’s Buddhist Monastic Community in Modern Chinese History

P. 54–61

Andrey P. Zabiyako,
Wang Yuqi

Japanese Religious Buildings in Northeast China in the First Half of the 20th Century: From Religious Presence to Religious Dominance

P. 62–78
Anthropology of Religion
Sergey V. Bereznitsky

Eschatological Myths of Indigenous Peoples of the Amur-Sakhalin Region and Ideas about the Emergence of the Afterlife

P. 79–86
Denis S. Ermolin,
Irina A. Orudzhova

Transport Infrastructure and Mobility of Chasovennye Old Believers in the Yeniseisk Region

P. 87–94
Roman Yu. Fedorov

Ethnocultural Memory of the Molokans Descendants in the Southwest Siberia

P. 95–102
Philosophy of Religion
Elizaveta G. Bruk

Euhemerism in France of the 18th – 19th Сenturies: A Research Method or a Polemical Tool (the Case of J.A.S. Collin de Plancy)

P. 103–109
Phenomenology of Religion
Astghik V. Soghoyan,
Shoghakat V. Devrikyan

Pagan and Christian Interpretations of Dream-visions in “History of Armenia” Published by Hakobos Issavertents 

P. 110–119
Alisa K. Viksne,
Sergey N. Astapov

The Buddhist Understanding of Miracles: The Case of Hambo Lama Itigelov

P. 120–127
Sociology of Religion
Alexandra A. Boytsova,
Ilia A. Melnikov

From Religious Procession to “Cossack Uniform”: Old Believer Fairs in the Modern Religious Market

P. 128–136
Nelli R. Khachaturian,
Mariam B. Harutyunyan,
Salvine H. Markosyan

The Features of Studying the Phenomenon of (Ethno)Religious Reconversion on the Experience
of the Indian, Turkish and Irish Diasporas

P. 137–146

Religion and Culture

Olga E. Tsmykal

The Cult of Xiao as a Plot-Forming Basis of the Manchu Legend “The Temple of Fidelity” by P.V. Shkurkin

P. 147–158
History of Religious Studies
Aleksandr V. Antoshchenko

Reception of George Fedotov’s Concept of the Russian Religious Mind by Academic Community

P. 159–165