SCImago Journal & Country Rank


1. The submitted manuscript must be prepared in accordance with the requirements for publication in Russian Scientific Journals and the Scientific Electronic Library (project “Russian Science Citation Index”).

2. All articles are checked by members of the editorial board for plagiarism and duplication, using the systems: Anti-plagiarism.vuz and Plagiarisma

3. All articles undergo double-blind peer review.

4. Articles published previously (in print or electronic form) are not accepted.


1. Articles are accepted in Russian or English.

2. An article is to include no more than 40,000 characters. The standard volume of the article is 20,000 characters.

3. Text files are accepted in RTF only. The file is named after a title of an article (e.g. Interreligious Dialogue and Cultural Accommodation.rtf).

4. Main text:

Font – Times New Roman

Size – 14 points

Line spacing – single.


Font – Times New Roman

Size – 10 points

Line spacing – single.

5. Information about the author should be presented in a separate file (e.g. Ivanov.rtf), not in the text of the article. This information includes:

- Full name

- Academic degree

- Academic rank (or position)

- Affiliation (place of employment

- Full postal address of the organization, postal code)

- E-mail

In case of specifying several places of employment, it is necessary to mark (e.g. in bold) the place that will be indicated as the affiliation.

6. Author’s photo – a portrait image stylistically close to the documentary photo. The format of the photo is jpg (e.g. Ivanov.jpg), the resolution is at least 300 dpi.

7. Source references should be given in square brackets within the text, where a surname of an author, year of edition and page number (pages) are specified through the comma, for example: [Ivanov, 2015, 25].

The structure of an article includes:

1) The title of the article in English and Russian.

2) Abstract (about 1200 characters with spaces (200 words) in English and Russian.

3) Key words or phrases (no more than 10) in English and Russian.

5) The main text of the article.

The section “Conclusion” is required; it summarizes the main conclusions of the study presented in the article.

6) Information about financing (grants, etc.) is indicated in the section “Acknowledgment”. If needed, the author may express other gratitude and appreciation.

7) List of abbreviations, notation conventions, etc. if needed.

8) Reference list (numbered in alphabetical order; 20–30 positions are preferable if it is possible).

9) List of illustrations if any;

10) Notes (if any) in the form of endnotes with Arabic numerals, containing author’s commentaries.

The article and the materials attached to it are sent electronically to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

To get detailed rules with requirements, examples, etc. click here:

Article Submission Guidelines