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The research is supported by a grant of the Russian Science Foundation, project № 16-18-10083

The article focuses on the basic point of views of Lew Karsavin on an issue of religiosity. The main sources were his works written from 1912 to 1923. This article discusses not only terminology introduced by him, but also other aspects of his research position. The more attention is paid to L.P. Karsavin's contribution as medievalist. L.P. Karsavin had his own vision of religiousness of a medieval person. Religious beginning, according to Karsavin, is an integral part of human nature. The article also focuses not only on religious person in the framework of the medieval culture in Europe, but also on culture in a broad sense, since religion is its integral part. Insisting on basic limitation of individualistic and pantheistical consciousness, L.P. Karsavin absolutely distinguished individualism and personalism. Exactly personalism, on his judgment, takes off a contradiction between universalistic intension of pantheism and individualistic atomism so typical of the Renaissance. In this regard, the article discusses Karsavin’s opinions to the Christian dogma, in particular, its relationship with heretical teachings. One part of this article describes Karsavin’s study of European medieval religious practice. The main interest is in connection of the practice with general system of Christian beliefs. In some cases, Lew Karsavin’s views are close to culturological ones.

Key words: L.P. Karsavin, religiosity, the Middle Ages, “religious foundation”, dogmatic, heresy, medieval culture

DOI: 1022250/2072-8662.2017.1.109-116

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About the author


Dmitriy I. Weber – PhD (History), Assistant at the Department of Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies, Saint Petersburg State University;

5 Mendeleevskaya line, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 199034;