Osho, the modern Neo-Hinduism teacher, had “gathered together all the flowers” of the religious and philosophical conceptions of the East. Buddhism and Hindu Tanta are undoubtedly the source of the main ideas of his theory of mindfulness and totality. Practical direction of reaching moksha, the minimum of rituals, getting free of everything “unimportant” are the reasons Rajneesh is attracted to Buddhism. He borrows from Buddhism some meditation techniques that help develop observation and concentration, for his ashram. Osho likes the idea of freedom in Hindu Tantra, overcoming the borders of the prescribed. He adores the “unmind Truth” of Tantra, its philosophy and practice of sahaja, spontaneous, that is based on the intuitive epiphany of the Supreme Reality. However, appealing to Tantra, Osho had changed and transformed it greatly. The concepts of mindfulness and totality, two sides of the same coin, exist in the teachings of the guru in interaction, balancing one another. Observation of one’s thoughts, deeds and motives of the behavior and sincerity to oneself (awareness) is combined with tendency of overcoming the borders of a personality, to live “on a maximum”, on the edge of the abilities, being in everlasting instable, “flowing” condition (totality). Only a person who can observe his thoughts and deeds, obtain courage and daring can, considering Osho, achieve freedom and realize his true nature.
Key words: Neo-Hinduism, consciousness, totality, Buddhism, Tantra.
DOI: 10.22250/2072-8662.2018.3.46-52
About the author
Yulia A. Uimina – post-graduate student at The University for Humanities, Yekaterinburg; 19 Studencheskaya str., Yekaterinburg, Russia, 620049; yulia.uimina@yandex.ru