In the post-synodal period of the Roman Catholic Church in Catholic missiology inculturation of Christianity was the main strategy and the position in missionary work among non-Christian nations. The results of the work of the Second Vatican Council are of particular value in the use of cultural and religious traditions of non-Christian nations, as well as modern cultural trends in the missionary activities of the Roman Catholic Church. One of the key points during the Second Vatican Council was the rethinking of the concept of culture, which influenced the revision of the principles of preaching Christianity among non-Christian peoples and the development of missionary activity in different countries and regions where Christianity is not a traditional religion. The author analyses the official documents of the Roman Catholic Church post-synodal period, including the pastoral Constitution of the Second Vatican Council (Gaudium et Spes, Sacrosanctum Concilium, Lumen Gentium), encyclical and apostolic exhortation of the pontiffs of the post-synodal period (Christifideles laici, Slavorum Apostoli, Ecclesia in Asia, Verbum Domini, Evangelii Gaudium) that reflect the official position of the Roman Catholic Church concerning the inculturation of Christianity and its relationship with the culture of non-Christian nations in the missionary activity of the Catholic Church.
Key words: Roman Catholic Church, inculturation of Christianity, culture, evangelization, missionary work, the Second Vatican Council, post-synodal period, pontiff, apostolic exhortation, encyclical, mission ad gentes, traditional culture, non-Christian nations
DOI: 10.22250/2072-8662.2018.3.11-19
About the author
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Nikolai V. Chirkov – religious studies scholar, PhD applicant (Philosophy); 1 Velické nam, Poprad- Veľká, Slovakia, 05804; сThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..