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 "Religiovedenie" (“Study of Religion”) № 1 2020


History of Religion
Andrey P. Zabiyako The Genesis of Religion: the Emergence of Zoolatry Based on the Materials of Mobile Art in Western and Central Europe pp. 5–28
Oksana V. Kuropatkina Opposition Religious Movements in Northern Europe and Russia of the 19th and Early 20th Centuries: National and Cultural Aspect pp. 29–35
Religions of Russia
Kirill S. Matytsin Russian Sects of Siberia in the Studies of the Imperial Russian Geo-graphical Society pp.  36–42
Evgeniya A. Kontaleva The Religious Syncretism of Harbin Russians: Forms of Political Radicalism  pp. 43–66 
Religions of the East
Valeriia V. Garrido The Dragon King (Long Wang 龙王) in the Religious Beliefs of Ancient China  pp. 67–72
Boris R. Erokhin The History of Translations from Tibetan into Russian (1720–1991): The Abandoned Take-off  pp. 73–82
Anthropology of Religion
Valeria A. Prikhotko Self-Identification of an Orthodox Christian in the Context of Traditions and Socio-Cultural Transformations of Funeral and Memorial Rites pp. 83–93
Religious Philosophy
Denis V. Leonidov Matias Aires’s “Reflections on Men’s Vanity”: An Ironic Apology of Enlightened Absolutism pp. 94–100
Religion and Law
Anatoly P. Gerasimenko B.P. Vycheslavzeff on Religious Roots of Law pp. 101–113
Ilshat A. Mukhametzaripov Foreign Scientific Discourse about Religious Courts in a Secular State pp. 114–122
Religion and Culture
Vladimir I. Trukhin,
Aleksey V. Natsvin
Reconstruction of the External Appearance of Voskresenskaya Church of Albazin Fortress (Albazinsky Ostrog) pp. 123–131
Sergei Yu. Eremin,
Igor V. Kirichkov
The Cathedral of the Holy Wisdom of God in Harbin pp. 132–141
History of Religious Studies
Anastasiya A. Zubkovskaya Study of Religion in the Structure of Life Sciences: Philosophical and Methodological Aspects pp. 142–148
The 5th Congress of Russian Scholars of Religion  pp. 152–154