This publication presents a review of the monograph by Sardaryan G.T. “The Holy See and Democracy”. The title of the work attracts attention, first, because of the fundamental nature of its two components, and secondly, because of the non-obvious nature of the relationship between them. The monograph consists of two parts. The first part is historical, while the second part is focused on the present stage of the RCC development. The author of the publication notes that the work is written in an accessible language, is characterized by consistency and clarity of presentation of thoughts. According to the author, the book can be recommended not only to experts in the field of political science and experts in the subject matter under study, but also to a wide range of persons interested in the history and politics of the Vatican.
Key words: Holy See, Roman Catholic Church, democracy, political doctrine, Pope Francis.
DOI: 10.22250/2072-8662.2018.2.170-172
About the author
Roman O. Reinhardt – PhD (World Economy), senior lecturer at the Department for Diplomatic Studies of Moscow State University of International Relations (MGIMO-University);
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