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Based on combining two main research methods of Historical Science (historical method and logical method) with other research methods (systematization, analysis, synthesis, statistics, etc.), especially the comparative method, the article studied the premise and motivation for introducing Western medicine into China and Vietnam, concrete manifestations of this process in the royal court of Chinese and Vietnamese monarchies as well as in the lives of the people of the two countries, thereby clarifying the role of Jesuit missionaries in the introduction of Western medicine into China and Vietnam in the 17th and 18th centuries. Materials used mainly in the article included the academic achievements of researchers from Vietnam, China, and around the world related to the process of introduction and development as well as the contact and exchange between Western medicine and traditional medicine in two countries during this period, especially the original historical materials recorded by Jesuit missionaries operating in China and Vietnam in the 17th and 18th centuries in the form of writings, reports, and letters. The article would contribute to studying the East-West cultural exchange history in China and Vietnam and the history of introducing and developing Western medicine in the two countries during this period.

Key words: China, Vietnam, Jesuit, Western, medicine, mission

DOI: 10.22250/2072-8662-2024-3-5-17

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About the author

Truong Anh ThuanPhD (History), Associate Professor, The University of Danang (University of Science and Education); 459 Ton Duc Thang st., Danang city, 550000, Vietnam; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.