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Yuri A. Kimelev - Doctor of Philosophy, Professor at the Department of Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Head of the Department of the History of Foreign Philosophy of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Expert in religious studies, philosophy of history, social philosophy and cultural science. Since 1972, Kimelev has worked in the Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences; since 1992 – senior research associate and professor of Lomonosov Moscwo State University (Faculty of Philosophy) and the Russian State University for the Humanities (Faculty of Philosophy). Honored worker of science of the Russian Federation. The main sphere of research is systematics and history of ontology, metaphysics and philosophical theology. A specific place in his works is held by a perspective of the relations between philosophy and theology in the European cultural tradition. Historic and philosophical researches of Yu.A. Kimelev include the western philosophy of the 19-20th centuries. Primary attention is paid to the analysis of ontologo-metaphysical concepts. Yu.A. Kimelev published a number of works on the philosophy of history and theoretical sociology. In research focus of these works lays the analysis of attempts to give philosophico-historical or sociological conceptualization of the present. Yu.A. Kimelev is a scientific editor and compiling editor of a number of the academic works, and is engaged in translation practice. |