Andrey P. Zabiyako (born on October 1, 1961, Russia) is a Russian religious scholar, historian, anthropologist, translator, specialist in the field of history and theory of religion, archaeology and anthropology of religion, ethnic and ethno-religious processes. Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Editor-in Chief of the academic and theoretical journal “Religiovedenie” (“Study of Religion”). |
Professional activity
In 1983, A.P. Zabiyako graduated from Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical Institute with a degree in history.
In 1989, he graduated from the post-graduate studies of the Department of Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies of the Faculty of Philosophy of Lomonosov Moscow State University and defended his PhD thesis in Philosophy on the topic of “The Psychology of Eastern Religions (on the Materials of Comparison of Religions of Ancient India and Christianity)”.
From 1990 to 1995 – Head of the Department of Cultural Studies of Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical Institute.
In 1998, A.P. Zabiyako graduated from the Department of Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies of the Faculty of Philosophy of Lomonosov Moscow State University and defended a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophical Sciences on the topic “Category of Holiness (Philosophical and Religious Analysis)”.
Since 2000, A.P. Zabiyako has been a Head of the Department of Religious Studies and History of the Faculty of International Relations of the Amur State University. Since 2002, he has been a Head of the Laboratory of Archaeology and Anthropology of the Amur State University. In 2014–2018, A.P. Zabiyako was a leading researcher of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Since 2015, he has been a Head of the Amur Anthropological Expedition, since 2007 – Professor of the School of Arts and Humanities of the Far Eastern Federal University; the member of Presidium of Federal educational and methodical association in the sphere of the higher education in Philosophy, Ethics and Religious Studies (Moscow State University).
The main courses A.P. Zabiyako holds are: “History of Religion”, “Archaeology of the Far East”, “Ethnography of the Far East”, “Anthropology of Religion”, “Psychology of Religion”, “Comparative Religion”, “History of Eastern Religions”, “Phenomenology of Religion”.
In 2001, he acted as one of the creators of the academic and theoretical journal “Religious Studies” and became its chief co-editor together with Professor A.N. Krasnikov. Since 2009, A.P. Zabiyako has been Editor-in-Chief of the journal.
He has also been an associate editor of the journals “Narody i Religii Evrazii” (“Nations and Religions of Eurasia”, The Altai State University), “Sotsial’nye i gumanitarnye nauki na Dal’nem Vostoke” (“Social Sciences and Humanities in the Far East”, The Far Eastern State Transport University).
Field of studies
The scientific interests of A.P. Zabiyako include the study of archaic religions of East and North-East Asia, petroglyphs of Eurasia, ethnic and ethno-religious interactions in East Asia, as well as theoretical and methodological problems of modern study of religion. Since 199, A.P. Zabiyako has been conducting annual field studies in Russia (Amur Region, Yakutia, Transbaikalia) and China (Heilongjiang, Liaoning, Jilin, Henan, Shandong, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region), exploring genesis and development of religion, ethnogenesis and migration of bearers of religious traditions by means of archaeological and anthropological methods. In the field of the theory of religion, A.P. Zabiyako explores the problems of religion, evolution of religious consciousness, issues of language of religion, and deals with comparative religion, history and methodology of the study of religion. Much attention is paid to the study of archaic religions, shamanism, ethno-religious traditions of the West and East. A.P. Zabiyako justified the theory of the ultimate bases of religion, as well as the semantic concept of religious consciousness.
A.P. Zabiyako is a translator of extracts from the works of Lucien Lévy-Bruhl, Numa Denis Fustel de Coulanges, and Ernest Renan, published in the series “Classics of World Religious Studies” (Moscow, 1996–1998), as well as of monographs by Maurice Godelier and articles by Franz Boas and other publications of outstanding specialists in religion.
Management of research projects supported by grants (since 2012):
- 2012–2014 – “Nomads of Central and North Asia: Traditional Societies in Modernization”, Supported by the international grant RGNF-CNRS (Russian Foundation for Humanities, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), project no. 11-21-70002a/Fra.
- 2014–2016 – “Nomadic Societies of Eurasia: Strategies for Formation and Preservation of Ethnocultural Identity”, supported by the international grant RGNF-CNRS (Russian Foundation for Humanities, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), project no. № 14-21-17005a/Fra.
- 2014–2016 – “Ethnic Migrations as a Factor of Civilizational Interactions and Sociocultural Transformations in East Asia (History and Modernity)”, supported by the Russian Science Foundation (RSF), project no. 14-18-00308.
- 2020–2022 – “Genesis and Evolution of Religions of Amur Peoples”, supported by The Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project no. 20-011-00408.
A.P. Zabiyako has authored more than 300 academic papers published in Russia, the USA, China, France, the Czech Republic, and Poland.
Monographs in Russian:
- Zabiyako A.P. Istoriya drevnerusskoy kul'tury [History of Ancient Russian Culture]. Moscow, 1995.
- Zabiyako A.P. Kategoriya svyatosti. Sravnitel'noe issledovanie lingvoreligioznykh traditsiy [Category of Holiness. Comparative Study of Linguo-Religious Traditions]. Moscow, 1998.
- Zabiyako A.P. Nachala drevnerusskoy kul'tury [Origins of Ancient Russian Culture]. Moscow, 2002.
- Anikhovskiy S.E., Bolotin D.P., Zabiyako A.P., Pan T.A. “Man'chzhurskiy kiln”: istoriya, narody, religii [“Manchurian Wedge”: History, Peoples, Religions]. Ed. A.P. Zabiyako. Blagoveshchensk, 2005.
- Serdyukov Yu.M., Tyurina Yu.L., Zabiyako A.P. (et al.) Sovremennye konteksty magii, religii i paranauki [Modern Contexts of Magic and Parascience]. Moscow, 2008.
- Istoriya Amurskoy oblasti s drevneyshikh vremen do nachala XX veka [History of the Amur Region from the Most Ancient Times to the Beginning of the 20th Century]. Eds. A.P. Derevyanko, A.P. Zabiyako. Blagoveshchensk, 2008.
- Zabiyako A.P., Kobyzov R.A., Ponkratova L.A. Russkie i kitaytsy: etnomigratsionnye protsessy na Dal'nem Vostoke [Russian and Chinese: Ethnomigrational Processes in The Far East]. Ed. A.P. Zabiyako. Blagoveshchensk, 2009.
- Zabiyako A.P., Voronkova E.A., Lapin A.V., Pratyna D.A. (et al.). Kiberreligiya: nauka kak faktor religioznykh transformatsiy [Cyber-religion: Science as a Factor of Religious Transformations]. Ed. A.P. Zabiyako. – Blagoveshchensk, 2012.
- Zabiyako A.P., Anikhovskiy S.E., Voronkova E.A., Zabiyako A.A., Kobyzov R.A. Evenki Priamur'ya: olennaya tropa istorii i kul'tury [Evenks of the Amur Region: Reindeer Trail of History and Culture]. Ed. A.P. Zabiyako. Blagoveshchensk, 2012.
- Zabiyako A.P., Wang Jianlin. Naskal'nye izobrazheniya Severo-Vostochnogo Kitaya [Rock Art of Northeast China]. Blagoveshchensk, 2015.
- Zabiyako A.A., Zabiyako A.P., Levoshko S.S., Khisamutdinov A.A. Russkiy Kharbin: opyt zhiznestroitel'stva v usloviyakh dal'nevostochnogo frontira [Russian Harbin: The Experience of Life Building in the Terms of the Far Eastern Frontier]. Ed. A.P. Zabiyako. Blagoveshchensk, 2015.
- Zabiyako A.P., Belyakov A.O., Gavrilov S.S., Kontaleva E.A., Rodionova K.I. Etnokul'turnyy atlas Priamur'ya [Ethnocultural Atlas of the Amur Region]. Ed. A.P. Zabiyako Blagoveshchensk, 2016.
- Zabiyako A.P., Belyakov A.O., Voronina A.S., Zavadskaya E.A., Zinenko Ya.V., Kontaleva E.A., Matyushchenko V.S., Pelevina O.V., Rodionova K.I., Chirkov N.V. Narody i religii Priamur'ya [Peoples and Religions of the Amur Region]. Ed. A.P. Zabiyako. Blagoveshchensk, 2017.
- Zabiyako A.P., Zabiyako A.A. Russkie Trekhrech'ya: osnovy sokhraneniya etnicheskoy samobytnosti [The Trekhrechye Russians: Foundations of Preservation of Ethnic Identity]. Novosibirsk, 2017.
- Albazinskiy ostrog: Istoriya, arkheologiya, antropologiya narodov Priamur'ya [Albazin Hillfort: History, Archeology, and Anthropology of Amur Peoples] Eds. A.P. Zabiyako, A.N. Cherkasov. Novosibirsk, 2019.
Publications in other languages:
- Nomadismes d’Asie central et septentrionale. Sous la direction de Ch. Stepanoff, C. Ferret, G. Lacaze, J. Thorez. Paris: Armand Colin, 2013 (collective monograph) (in French).
- Zabiyako Andrey P., Zabiyako Anna A., Zavadskaya Eugenia A. Reindeer Trail: History and Culture of the Amur Evenks. Ed. By A.P. Zabiyako. Blagoveschensk: Amur State University Publishing, 2017 (in English).
- Zabiyako A.P., Wang Jianlin. Petroglyphs of North-East China: New Sites. Journal of Bohai University. 2015, no. 6, pp. 22–27 (in Chinese).
- Wang Yulan, Zabiyako A.P., Wang Junzheng, Xie Chunhe. Study of Ancient Towns of the Zeya River Basin (Jingshili), Russia. Heilongjiang National series. 2019, no. 1 (168), pp. 58–63 (in Chinese).
Relevant papers (in Russian):
- Zabiyako A.P. Rolevaya teoriya religii Ya. Sundena [J. Sunden’s Role Theory of Religion] in Sovremennye zarubezhnye issledovaniya v oblasti filosofskoy teologii: Referativnyy sb. Moscow, 1991.
- Zabiyako A.P. Sravnitel'noe religiovedenie: problemy i perspektivy [Comparative Religion: Problems and Perspectives] in Vestnik MGU. Ser. “Filosofiya”, 1992, no. 2.
- Zabiyako A.P. Psikhoanaliz sakral'nogo v rabotakh Zigmunda Freyda [Psychoanalysis of the Sacred in S. Freud’s Works] in Vestnik MGU. Ser. “Filosofiya”, 1995, no. 2.
- Zabiyako A.P. Sakral'noe [The Sacred] in Kul'turologiya. Vek XX: Entsiklopediya. St. Petersburg, 1998, vol. 2.
- Zabiyako A.P. Eliade Mircha in Kul'turologiya. Vek XX: Entsiklopediya. St. Petersburg, 1998, vol. 2.
- Zabiyako A.P. Fenomenologiya i aksiologiya svyatogo v filosofii religii M. Shelera [Phenomenology and Axiology of the Holy in the Philosophy of Religion of M. Scheler] in Religiovedenie, 2001, no. 2.
- Zabiyako A.P., Krasnikov A.N. S.A. Tokarev: traditsii svyazuyushchaya nit'. [S.A. Tokarev: A Binding Thread of Tradition] in Religiovedenie, 2002, no. 3.
- Zabiyako A.P. Konfutsianskaya etika i dukh byurokratizma: religii Kitaya v traktovke M. Vebera (predvaritel'nye zamechaniya) [Confucian Ethics and the Spirit of Bureaucracy: Religions of China Treated by M. Weber] in Religiovedenie, 2004, no. 1.
- Zabiyako A.P. Yazychestvo: ot religii krest'yan do kiberreligii (stat'ya pervaya) [Paganism: From the Religion of Peasants to Cyber-religion (article 1)] in Religiovedenie, 2005, no. 4.
- Zabiyako A.P. Yazychestvo: ot religii krest'yan do kiberreligii (stat'ya vtoraya) [Paganism: From the Religion of Peasants to Cyber-religion (article 2)] in Religiovedenie, 2006, no. 1.
- Zabiyako A.P. Yazychestvo: ot religii krest'yan do kiberreligii (stat'ya tret'ya) [Paganism: From the Religion of Peasants to Cyber-religion (article 3)] in Religiovedenie, 2007, no. 1.
- Zabiyako A.P. Yazychestvo: ot religii krest'yan do kiberreligii (stat'ya chetvertaya) [Paganism: From the Religion of Peasants to Cyber-religion (article 4)] in Religiovedenie, 2008, no. 4.
- Zabiyako A.P. Kontury religiovedcheskikh razyskaniy A.N. Veselovskogo [Counters of Religious Studies of A.N. Veselovsky] in Religiovedenie, 2005, no. 1.
- Zabiyako A.P. Sverkh"estestvennoe [Supernatural] in Religiovedenie. Entsikloped. slovar'. Eds. A.P. Zabiyako, A.N. Krasnikov, E.S. Elbakyan. Moscow, 2006.
- Zabiyako A.P. Svyatoe [Sacred] in Religiovedenie. Entsikloped. slovar'. Eds. A.P. Zabiyako, A.N. Krasnikov, E.S. Elbakyan. Moscow, 2006.
- Zabiyako A.P. Tunguso-man'chzhurskaya religiya [Tungus-Manchu Religion] in Religiovedenie. Entsikloped. slovar'. Eds. A.P. Zabiyako, A.N. Krasnikov, E.S. Elbakyan. Moscow, 2006.
- Zabiyako A.P. Religiya [Religion] in Entsiklopediya religiy. Eds. A.P. Zabiyako, A.N. Krasnikov, E.S. Elbakyan. Moscow, 2008.
- Zabiyako A.P. Mircha Eliade: metodologiya v kontekste individual'no-psikhologicheskikh i religioznykh osobennostey lichnosti [Mircha Eliade: Methodology in the Context of Individual Psycological and Religious Features of Personality] in Religiovedenie, 2008, no. 1.
- Zabiyako A.P. Fenomenologiya religii (stat'ya pervaya) [Phenomenology of Religion (article 1)] in Religiovedenie, 2010, no. 4.
- Zabiyako A. P. Fenomenologiya religii (stat'ya vtoraya) [Phenomenology of Religion (article 2)] in Religiovedenie, 2011, no. 1.
- Zabiyako A.P. Fenomenologiya religii (stat'ya tret'ya) [Phenomenology of Religion (article 3)] in Religiovedenie, 2011, no. 3.
- Zabiyako A.P. Genezis i ob"ekt fenomenologii religii [The Genesis and Subject of the Phenomenology of Religion] in Vіsnik Prikarpats'kogo unіversitetu. Fіlosofs'kі і psikhologіchnі nauki. 2011, vol. 15.
- Zabiyako A.P. Porubezh'e kak dannost' chelovecheskogo bytiya [Frontier as a Fact of Human Life] in Voprosy filosofii, 2016, no. 11.
- Zabiyako A.P., Batsevich V.A., Leybova N.A., Maurer A.M., Pezhemskiy D.V., Gil'mitdinova A.Kh. Kratkoe soobshchenie o rezul'tatakh rabot Amurskoy antropologicheskoy ekspeditsii v 2016 g. [Brief Report on the Results of the Amur Anthropological Expedition in 2016] in Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya Antropologiya, 2016, no. 4.
- Zabiyako A.P., Wang Jianlin. Petroglify Shitouzhen’ i fallicheskie obrazy naskal'nykh izobrazheniy [Shitouren Petroglyphs and Phallic Images in Rock Art] in Religiovedenie, 2017, no. 1.
- Zabiyako A.P., Mironov M.A. Kul'tovyy kompleks Kalinovka: osnovnye rezul'taty arkheologicheskikh issledovaniy 2006–2014 gg. [Kalinovka the Cult Complex: Main Results of the Archeological Studies in 2006–2014] in Religiovedenie, 2017, no. 4.
- Gubina M.A., Orlov P.S., Babenko N.V., Zabiyako A.P., Ivanoshchuk D.E., Voevoda M.I. Polimorfizm genov termoretseptorov TRPV1 TRPA1 cheloveka v populyatsiyakh Altae-Sayanskogo regiona i Dal'nego Vostoka [Polymorphism of Thermoreceptor Human Genes TRPV1 TRPA1 in the Populations of the Altai-Sayan Region and the Far East] in Genetika, 2018, vol. 54, no. 2.
- Zabiyako A.P. Polevye issledovaniya Amurskoy antropologicheskoy ekspeditsii v 2015–2017 gg. [Field Studies of the Amur Anthropological Expedition in 2015–2017] in Etnografiya, 2018, no. 2.
- Zabiyako A.P. Predel'nye osnovaniya religii [Limit Foundations of Religion] Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta. Filosofiya i konfliktologiya, 2018, vol. 34, iss. 4.
- Zabiyako A.P. Genezis religii: vozniknovenie zoolatrii po materialam naskal'nykh izobrazheniy [Genesis of Religion: The Emergence of Zoolatry on the Materials of Rock Paintings] in Religiovedenie, 2018, no. 4.
- Zabiyako A.A., Zabiyako A.P., Zhang Ruyang. Memoraty i semeynye fotografii russkikh Trekhrech'ya: semeyno-rodovye osnovy istoricheskoy pamyati [Memorates and Family Photos of Trekhrechye Russians: Family-Patrimonial Foundations of Historical Memory] in Cuadernos de Rusística Española. 2019. Nº 15.
- Zabiyako A.P. Ranniy chzhurchzhen'skiy tekst naskal'nykh izobrazheniy na reke Arkhare v Priamur'e (istoriya, rezul'taty issledovaniya i novye dannye) [An Early Jurchen Text Among Rock Representations Near the Arkhara River in the Amur Basin (History, Research Results, and New Evidence)] in Arkheologiya, etnografiya i antropologiya Evrazii, 2019, vol. 47, no. 3.
- Zabiyako A.P. Chzhurchzhen'skiy tekst 1127 goda na naskal'nykh izobrazheniyakh reki Arkhara [The Jurchen Text of 1127 in Rock Art of the Arkhara River] in 第九届中国少数民族古籍文献国际学术研讨会. 昆明, 2019.
- Godelier M. Plemena v istorii i litsom k litsu s gosudarstvami. Perevod. Interv'yu. Issledovanie [Tribes in History and Face to Face with States. Translation. Interview. Study]. Transl., ed. A.P. Zabiyako. Interview transl. O.N. Kukharenko. Blagoveshchensk, 2014.
- Boas F. Razvitie narodnykh skazok i mifov [Development of Folk Tales and Myths] in Sotsial'nye i gumanitarnye nauki na Dal'nem Vostoke, 2014, no. 1 (41).