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At the end of the 18th century, when scholars and theologians began to critically examine the Gospels – the main sources of information about the life of Jesus Christ, the search for the historical Jesus began as well. Researchers debated whether he was a man or a mythological person, or, perhaps, simultaneously both? Is there a rational explanation for the miracles he made? How can the Gospels be seen as the actual historical sources, particularly in the context of the differences between the synoptic Gospels and the Gospel of John? And finally, if Jesus was a real historical figure, what should one do with gaps in the chronology of his earthly life, i.e., where was he and what did he do from 14 to 29 years? For a Christian believer this is not essential, but an inquisitive mind of researchers (as well as some theologians) can not ignore this issue. The article brings us back to the debate about some manuscript from a book by N. Notovitch “The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ” published in 1894 in Paris, which arose (and is still continuing) in academic and religious circles in the late 19th – early 20th century. What is it – a truly historic document of the middle of I century BC, telling about the life of Jesus Christ in the East, or a version of the Tibetan legend interpreted by the author?

Key words: Jesus, Issa, India, Tibet, Buddhism, monastery, manuscript, Lama

DOI: 1022250/2072-8662.2017.1.117-125

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About the author


Anatoliy K. Pogasiy– DSc (Philosophy), PhD (History), Master of Theology, Associate Professor of the Department of Religious Studies,

Institute of Social Philosophy and Mass Communications, Kazan (Volga) Federal University;

of. 1611, 35 Kremlevskaya str., Kazan, Russia, 420000;