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Is religion a basis for the dialogue of civilizations in the modern conditions of the postmodern or a factor of disunity and alienation of cultures and societies? The question is not rhetorical, but on the contrary, profoundly existential. The inclusion of religion in the strategy of civilizational dialogues seems to be a complex process, since religiosity as a model of the worldview must be preserved in them as part of the identification code of a particular religion, within which there are intra-confessional and ethno-cultural characteristics. However, in modern conditions, the paradigm of religious tolerance is criticized, since the religious factor is increasingly involved in political technologies for constructing religious and cultural intolerance. The neoliberal discourse promoted by the supporters of neo-liberal doctrines into the sphere of religion turns out to be not entirely wealthy because of the blurring” of the value resource of neo-liberalism in matters of interfaith relations as a condition for dialogue among civilizations.

Key words: dialogue, religion, civilization, inter-confessional accord, religious identity, tolerance.

DOI: 10.22250/2072-8662.2018.4.100-104

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About the author


Nataliya L. Seitakhmetova – DSc (Philosophy), Professor, Corresponding Member of NAS RK,

Chief Researcher at the Institute for Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies;

29 Kurmangazy str., Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan, 050010; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Madina K. Bektenova – PhD (Religious Studies), Scientific Secretary at the Institute for Philosophy,

Political Science and Religious Studies;

29 Kurmangazy str., Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan, 050010; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.