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 "Religiovedenie" (“Study of Religion”) № 2 2023


History of Religion

Vladimir V. Emelianov

Mentioning of Festivals in Sumerian Literary Texts

P. 5–14
Xingyang Huang Catholic Charity of Hunan Province in Modern China (1840–1949) P. 15–26
Religions of Russia
Olga D. Popova

Seminary Teachers’ Corporation: Recreating a Team Portrait (Based on the Documents of the Perm Theological Seminary)

P. 27–37
Alexander А. Khokhlov False Reporting in the Daily Life of the Orthodox Parish Clergy in the Post-Reform Period (Based on the Materials of the State Archive of the Republic of Tatarstan) P. 38–46
Alexey V. Gorbatov,
Petr K. Dashkovskiy
Seizure of Church Treasures by the Soviet Authorities in Western Siberia: Results and Consequences P. 47–58
Religions of the East
Tokhir S. Kalandarov

 Fight against the Influence of Aga Khan III in the Pamirs (Based on Archival Materials)

P. 59–65
New Religious Movements
Pavel G. Nosachev

Possession in Contemporary Russian Orthodoxy: Between Ecclesiastical Religion and New Age

P. 66–78
Anthropology of Religion
Marianna M. Shakhnovich

Local “Holy Places” and the Practice of Fighting against Them during the Soviet Anti-Religious Campaign of the 1950s

P. 79–88
Ekaterina A. Iagafova “We Do Commemorate You, but You Should not Remember Us”: Modern Memorial Practices of the Orthodox Chuvash P. 89–102
Zira Zh. Naurzbayeva Сauldron in the Ritual Practices and Traditional Beliefs of Kazakhs
P. 103–110
Anna A. Zabiyako,
Ye Yanyan
Naming Ginseng by the Peoples of the Northeast of China: Morphology of Phytolatry P. 111–122
 Comparative Religion
Truong Anh Thuan,
Le Thi Thu Hien

Reactions of Social Classes toward Christianity during the 17th and 18th Centuries: A Study in Vietnam and China

P. 123–133
Religion and Culture
Elena M. Boldyreva,
Vyacheslav A. Letin

Cuisine in the Esoteric Universe of the Imperial Residence of the 18th Century

P. 134–146
History of Religious Studies
Ruslan A. Savchuk

The Ethos of the Ukrainian Atheistic Intelligentsia of the Second Half of the 1980s (Based on the Materials of the Journal “Man and the World”)

P. 147–155