
The journal “Religiovedenie” [Study of Religion] has been published since 2001.

“Religiovedenie” is a scientific peer-reviewed journal that publishes papers of an experimental or theoretical nature that deals with various aspects of history, anthropology, sociology, psychology, phenomenology and philosophy of religion. Topics in the history of religious studies are also suitable.

Regular articles based on original research results, and review articles are published.


Researchers working on any aspects of religious studies including the modern religious situation, theories and methods of studying religion etc.; readers interested in research results in these areas.

Appears quarterly: 1 volume per year (4 issues).

The Journal is included in the List approved by the Higher Attestation Commission at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, recommended for publishing the key results of PhD and Doctoral in Philosophical science dissertations.

 The Journal is available at and is included in the Russian Science Citation Index.

The journal is indexed in the Scopus database.

The Journal is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media, entry on registration is PI No. FS77-81344 dated 06/30/2021.

ISSN 2072-8662 (print)

ISSN 2712-7575 (online)

The Journal is supported by the Association of Russian Centers for the Religious Studies, which is a member association of the International Association for the History of Religions.

The Journal is published by the Editorial and Publishing Department of the Amur State University. The Editorial Board might not share viewpoints of articles authors.

Founder and publisher: Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "The Amur State University" (FSBEI HE "AmSU").

Address: 21 Ignatievskoe shosse, Blagoveshchensk, Amur region, Russia, 675027

Phones: +7 (4162) 234598, +7 (4162) 234684

